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“Generative AI Impacting Various Industries is the most powerful tool for creativity that has ever been created. It has the potential to unleash a new era of human innovation.”  ~Elon Musk In its simplest, generative AI refers to an AI tool that generates or creates content- in the form of text, audio or video. Nowadays,

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In today’s digital age, supply chain resilience isn’t an option; it’s a necessity. Technology serves as the anchor that ensures a supply chain can withstand the most challenging disruptions. — John Doe, Supply Chain Expert The pandemic’s consequences have pushed businesses to conduct in-depth analyses of their supply chain operations. Based on our survey, there

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Were you aware that e-commerce sales are projected to reach a staggering $6.7 trillion in 2024? However, As we are observing rapid transformations taking place across diverse industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, logistics, and transportation. Now, warehouses are currently grappling with a shortage of workers, posing a challenge in meeting the increased demand. Fortunately, there is

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Raise your hand if you have never used ChatGPT. No one? Okay, who am I kidding? Obviously, the entire galaxy has tried the GPT wave. But do you know about the technology behind it? Even if you do, I am writing a snippet here – it is an AI-powered language model developed by OpenAI. Isn’t

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As we all know – Information Technology (IT) industry is all about using computers to automate and digitalize operations. Isn’t it! So if we are evolving every second as an industry, have you ever wondered what will the future of IT be? Say in just two years? With each passing year, new technologies emerge, some

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The financial services industry has to deal with large amounts of data and is heavily regulated. Also, the industry is under constant pressure to adapt to new technologies and customer demands. At such a dire situation; one of the most promising technologies that can help in overcoming such challenges is – Intelligent Automation (IA) in

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In today’s world, digital transformation is a top priority for logistics and supply chain professionals. According to a survey by Gartner, 61% of them consider digital transformation a top priority. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated digitization and businesses are re-evaluating their operations to remain competitive. Well, fret not, because I’ve got just the thing to

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Are you tired of investing long hours in repetitive tasks? Who wouldn’t be? Well, say hello, Intelligent Automation (IA). No, it’s not jargon from a sci-fi movie. Rather it’s a robust technology that combines the power of AI and Robotic Process Automation (RPA).  So how is this helpful? Well, it automates tasks, boosts productivity, and

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From AI to automation– the rise of technology is creating a new era of innovation and progress. No matter what industry you are in, technology is a game-changer that cannot be ignored. So, Hello and welcome to an ultimate blog on tech trends in the Logistics Industry for 2023. Today, let’s talk about the most

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We are living in the digital age and every aspect of our lives has shifted to the online platform. This tech-based lifestyle covers the financial domain as well which we call the Fintech age. It is pretty evident, I know. This modification has been on the rise for some time now. However, with the onset

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