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Welcome to the series of Laravel blogs! I am sure you have read our last blog on Why to Use Laravel framework for large-scale Applications?. So let’s continue on to the next big topic related to the Laravel framework under this umbrella! Ready? Let’s do this! As Leland Dieno said, “Your website is the center

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How to Hire a FullStack Developer? With the onset of digitization, every innovative idea is turned into a viable application or website these days. I am sure you agree with me on this. And trust me it couldn’t get better. It’s such a smooth process to validate innovative ideas, don’t you think? The global startup

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In 2021, we are living in the digital age. Consequently, our lives have shifted to the online podium, right? Now in order to live up to that standard, every form of activity is being digitalized. This has led to the rapid development of web and mobile applications. The form of innovation is elevating each day

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NO! We are NOT going to talk about a list of successful LGBTQ+ business tycoons here. A lot of that information is already there on the internet. We are here to address the future of the LGBTQ+ community in tech and how it’s gradually evolving in the right direction. Read up! June is the month

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You must be thinking about what exactly are “entrepreneur forums”, right? Well, entrepreneur forums are web communities consisting of fresh as well as experienced entrepreneurs. Such communities and forums act as a genuine platform to have conversations dedicated to the growth and maintenance of a startup business and venture. How great is that? It’s an

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Let’s talk a bit about the Evolution of Low Code technology , shall we? Low-code is a new approach to software development that needs minimal coding to build various applications. A low-code technology building platform makes use of visual interfaces in combination with drag-and-drop topographies.  As you can already understand, it uses simple logic for

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Hey there! Are you sitting at your work desk right now and daydreaming about your “own” big business? Congratulations! You are at the right spot here. This blog is definitely for you to help you start your own business. It’s funny how our dreams and ambitions change with time. During the final year of college,

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Before we begin, allow me to introduce you to the basic concept of Customer Relationship Management so that you understand the importance of CRM.  CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. The term is almost self-explanatory, isn’t it? Wait, I will elaborate. CRM is the basic process of handling interactions with existing and potential clients. It

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With easier access to the internet, our world is almost digitized to the realm. With all the facilities that the internet provides, people aspire to quit their day jobs to start their own business. The term “entrepreneur” is used very much nowadays. Launching a business venture while you have your full-time day job can offer

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The pandemic and the course that it has taken globally, is bringing about a lot of uncertainties. The travel bans, ticking cases, lockdowns, dipping GDP, and so on has a direct link to how your business operates from now. As a start-up ourselves, we know how we are balancing the staff and the workload, keeping

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