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The logistics sector plays a pivotal role in a country’s economic growth, and India is no exception. With the National Logistics Policy (2023), India is not only striving to streamline operations but also emphasizing technology-driven solutions. It will enhance the economy by improving connectivity and facilitating seamless movement of goods in both domestic and international

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As we all know – Information Technology (IT) industry is all about using computers to automate and digitalize operations. Isn’t it! So if we are evolving every second as an industry, have you ever wondered what will the future of IT be? Say in just two years? With each passing year, new technologies emerge, some

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Welcome to the World of Business! Just like a game of musical chairs, customers sometimes decide to dance their way over to your competitors. And this phenomenon is known as Customer Migration. Obviously, it will have a profound impact on your business, like revenue loss and a decrease in market share.  To remain ahead of

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The financial services industry has to deal with large amounts of data and is heavily regulated. Also, the industry is under constant pressure to adapt to new technologies and customer demands. At such a dire situation; one of the most promising technologies that can help in overcoming such challenges is – Intelligent Automation (IA) in

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In a very transparent lingo, technical debt is defined as the result of taking shortcuts when developing a software. It’s the accumulation of technical issues within a software system over time. Unfortunately, Tech-debt is a common problem faced by companies of all sizes and in all industries. Reasons vary from speed of feature delivery, budget

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In today’s world, digital transformation is a top priority for logistics and supply chain professionals. According to a survey by Gartner, 61% of them consider digital transformation a top priority. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated digitization and businesses are re-evaluating their operations to remain competitive. Well, fret not, because I’ve got just the thing to

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Hey there, Code Ninjas and wizards! I know, you love to tinker with code, debug software, and explore new technologies. It’s easy to get lost in the world of coding. Talking of which, developers do forget to work on other important non-techinical skills that gurantees success. Apparently, you might be able to debug like a

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Are you tired of investing long hours in repetitive tasks? Who wouldn’t be? Well, say hello, Intelligent Automation (IA). No, it’s not jargon from a sci-fi movie. Rather it’s a robust technology that combines the power of AI and Robotic Process Automation (RPA).  So how is this helpful? Well, it automates tasks, boosts productivity, and

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From AI to automation– the rise of technology is creating a new era of innovation and progress. No matter what industry you are in, technology is a game-changer that cannot be ignored. So, Hello and welcome to an ultimate blog on tech trends in the Logistics Industry for 2023. Today, let’s talk about the most

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CEOs are the ultimate power-holders in any company, right? Okay, in this context, a tech company. Whatever they say, goes. We have all heard of their many perks and privileges.But what about the problems that they shield a company from? One topic that is rarely talked about in this context   – the common challenges

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