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We are already aware of how the Internet Of Things (IoT) is actively transforming various business operations. It is also projected that the global IoT market will reach $1.6 trillion by 2025! This surge clearly demonstrates how massively this technology is gaining acceptance across industries. And to add to it, Enterprise IoT has started gaining

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Using AI analytics for business has made data discovery more automated than ever before. Consequently, this has made AI capable of doing the work of data analysts without any human-like limitations. Accordingly, AI analytics has advanced rapidly in recent times, fuelled by advancements in  machine learning and natural language processing (NLP). Besides, by leveraging AI

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In the wake of digitization and global connectivity, data protection has become an integral agenda for businesses across all sectors. Consequently, maintaining the highest level of security for user and business data has become a paramount necessity. Failing to meet those expectations will result in reputational damage and hefty penalties to regulatory bodies. As a

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I believe you have already checked out our blog on Digital Twin technology. Now here’s the next part – In the context of Industry 4.0, Digital Twin Technology has emerged as a pivotal innovation for businesses. It serves as a predictive tool, providing valuable insights into future operations and outcomes. As the name suggests, these

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Just like GenAI, Predictive AI is also another subset of Artificial Intelligence (AI). It uses various statistical strategies and machine learning algorithms to identify patterns and trends in the data. Correspondingly, it predicts future outcomes based on the wide range of available data insights. This is very different from what GenAI does.   [Meanwhile, to understand

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As we all know, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has two distinctive functional branches: Generative AI and Predictive AI. Both of these segments have applications that cater to various industry needs. Starting from healthcare to fintech, logistics & edutech, the evolution and implementation of AI in various industries have been massive. This is because, the impact of

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28th February 2024

Top Reasons Why IT Budget Will Surge in 2024

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It’s no surprise that IT budgets will surge in 2024! Why? Well, because we are standing on the brink of a tech revolution at present. How lucky are we to experience this huge shift? The best part is that the marketing team at TheCodeWork recently held a survey to understand the surge in IT budget

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not just about robots and sci-fi anymore! It’s in our phones, our homes, and our workplaces, and it’s changing our everyday lives. From Siri to Netflix recommendations, to LinkedIn portals, AI is at work everywhere. But it’s not just about convenience, it’s also about solving our complex problems & making sense

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Since 2021, Software as a Service (SaaS) has been making significant strides & flourishing in various industries like IT, E-commerce & etc. Well, it’s showing no signs of stopping! Now, talking of 2024, trending features ranging from Artificial Intelligence to hyper-personalization, are completely redefining the future of SaaS. It is estimated that SaaS is growing,

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Today, mobile apps have become integral to streamline and enhance Business-to-business (B2B)  processes. Thanks to the applications that developed a lot in these few years and helped businesses with their various needs. Furthermore, guess what? The increased demand for mobile applications for businesses will be reaching $8.7 trillion by 2026. And why so? Well, this

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