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“It will be unthinkable not to have artificial intelligence integrated into a product. Because everyone will expect it.” Sam Altman, CEO & Co-founder ( OpenAI ) So, 2024 started in quite an exciting way, especially if we talk about the significant achievements in Artificial intelligence (AI). We saw how various AI models like Open AI’s

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Okay, so for any business to do well, having a good product is pretty crucial. It helps you get noticed in the market, and deliver what your audience wants. But, the big question is, what is the Product Development Budget? There’s no single answer because it depends on factors like how complicated your product is!

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Your email inbox is always full, and your meeting timings keep changing. On top of that, there’s this feeling that you’re not quite getting everything done. So, what’s causing all this stress?? Well, I am guessing – messy Administrative tasks it is! Actually, administrative tasks are the backbone of any organization. Ranging from data entry

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Web development has come a long way since the inception of the World Wide Web. Today, it is not merely about creating static web pages; it encompasses a spectrum of technologies and practices. From HTML to the current era of advanced JavaScript frameworks, the journey has been revolutionary. The industry now caters to a global

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Hey, do you know how a software product is built? Though you might have some idea about product development, the process can still be a bit complicated. From exhaustive market research that illuminates consumer needs and preferences to scalability, well That’s just too much! Not only that, thorough research and meticulous planning are also highly

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Similar to the natural course of life, products also have a finite lifespan. From their inception, products go through stages of growth, maturation, and eventual decline. This process is known as product lifecycle management or PLM for short. It might sound like B-school jargon; but actually, it’s about efficiently managing the entire production from scratch,

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11th October 2023

Convince Your Company Leaders to Invest in New Technology?

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“Convincing company leaders to invest in new technology?” –  What kind of a topic is that! Well, you may not believe it, but that is one of the most common problems that we have encountered while talking to the senior management of several enterprises. You know, sometimes we think of corporate decision-making as this super

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In a very transparent lingo, technical debt is defined as the result of taking shortcuts when developing a software. It’s the accumulation of technical issues within a software system over time. Unfortunately, Tech-debt is a common problem faced by companies of all sizes and in all industries. Reasons vary from speed of feature delivery, budget

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Organizations big and small are following the Agile Methodology today to deliver high-quality performance. So what exactly is it? Let’s explore it together!   Well, the Agile method is an iterative process of project development and management. It lets development teams offer the best results to their clients more quickly and with fewer difficulties along the

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With the world getting more accustomed to digital space, mobile usage has spiked the charts. You agree with me, don’t you? In the same context, this dependency on technology has given rise to budding entrepreneurs who are coming up with fresh innovative ideas. As a result, the entire process of building an app has become

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