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In 2021, we are living in the digital age. Consequently, our lives have shifted to the online podium, right? Now in order to live up to that standard, every form of activity is being digitalized. This has led to the rapid development of web and mobile applications. The form of innovation is elevating each day and so is the necessity to adopt the best kind of tech stack to work with. You agree with me, don’t you?

At present, we are a part of the new decade where technology stacks are vital keys to innovation and consequently govern the domain of web development. So let me ask you here, are you in sync with the latest technology stacks for the year 2021? No? Then we are here with a list of the tech stacks that we at TheCodeWork are in love with. I am sure this will be helpful. And if you are already up-to-date with the tech stacks then leave us a comment below to know what we missed out on! Deal? Then let’s begin!

These days, web development has evolved to be a central part of success in every industry. Also, as a matter of fact, the web/app development world is recurrently changing. And the same is going on with its technology stacks as well. It is obvious, right?

So let’s make 2021 a prosperous year for you and your business. And for that, it is important to follow the correct web development technology. If you need any help with the following tech stack that we mention, then do reach out to us at TheCodeWork. You can also have a look at our portfolio to have an insight into what we have worked on and the respective tech stacks that we used.

Why tech stacks matter?

Tech stacks form the core part of any given application. A developer has to have the basic knowledge of the tech stack of software even to iterate or add to the development of any application.

Tech stack significantly influences the development and operational efficiency of products. Bearing in mind, the available resources concerning a particular language, the development skills, the sync between various frameworks and languages, as well as the bug-fixing method – choosing the right tech stack is the most important decision.  

Are you getting my point here? I hope you are!

What is the top tech stack to consider in 2021?

Now talking of tech stack, we generally refer to frontend, backend, as well as the database that is being used. So let’s get into the fun part, shall we? I am sure you don’t want to miss this!

Web Development 

Backend development:

1. Python
Python logo.

Python is a high-level programming language that is widely used for development. It laid emphasis on the ease of code readability. How convenient is that? Also, its syntax lets programmers/developers be more precise with their concepts to adjust in few lines of code.

It is a perfect choice for establishments that want to prosper on the prevailing market needs as well as be a part of the fast application development process.

With its diverse libraries for artificial intelligence and machine learning, Python is considered to be one of the top programming languages.  Have a look at the list of top programming languages to learn in 2021!

Also, let’s hop on and showcase the benefits of using Python for web development: 

  • Python is a highly readable language.  
  • Helps create backend code with diverse web development frameworks like – Flask & Django.
  • It is highly compatible with all key platforms.
  • It is scalable and can work with tasks of every size.
  • Python is also used to generate prototypes as well as minimum viable products
  • Diverse open-source frameworks in addition to various tools.

Have a look at the list of some major companies/brands that use Python for web/ application development:

  • Google
  • Facebook
  • Spotify
  • Netflix
  • Reddit
2. Django   
Django logo.

Django is basically a high-level Python-based open-source and free web framework. It further helps build rapid development as well as clean, realistic designs. 

Not just that, Django also makes the whole Web development process a bit more hassle-free. How cool is that?  

Here’s a list of reasons as to why you should consider using Django:

  • Super-fast and hassle-free to use. 
  • Very secure. This helps developers get rid of security concerns. 
  • Remarkably scalable. The flexibility of Django adds to its fast working feature. 

Have a look at the list of the top companies/brands that use Django for web/ application development:

  • Youtube
  • Instagram
  • Dropbox
  • Disqus
  • Pinterest
3. PHP
php logo.

PHP is a server-side, general-purpose scripting language. It is more appropriate for web development. PHP is basically embedded in HTML and is used to handle databases, dynamic content as well as session tracking. Sounds great, right?

It is cohesive with popular databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, Sybase, Oracle, Informix, as well as Microsoft SQL Server. PHP in addition to PHP frameworks like CodeIgnitor, Laravel, Symfony, CakePHP, Yii, Drupal, etc. make it a perfect fit to work with any web application. 

Take a look at the key benefits of using a PHP:

  • Fast and simple to use.
  • It is highly platform-independent.
  • Good Hosting Opportunity.
  • PHP-based Services are highly Scalable in addition to being Well-documented.

Have a look at the list of the top companies/brands that use PHP for web/ application development:

  • Slack
  • Tumblr
  • Wikipedia
  • WordPress
  • Mailchimp
4. Laravel
Laravel logo.

Laravel is a free and open-source web framework that operates on PHP. It is used to make custom applications like custom web apps that use PHP.  This web framework handles numerous activities that get hectic for a developer to build by themselves. This includes templating HTML, routing, as well as authentication.

It primarily focuses on Model-View-Controller design as well as data manipulation. 

The benefits of using Laravel include the following:

  • It’s fast and simple to use.
  • Provides better and enhanced website performance.
  • It is a perfect choice for traffic-Handling as well. 

Have a look at the list of the top companies that use Laravel for web/ application development:

Frontend Development

1. Vue.js
Vue.js front-end JavaScript framework.

Vue.js is a front-end JavaScript framework used to build user interfaces as well as single-page applications. It is a highly advanced framework for JavaScript which is applicable in building web interfaces as well as one-page applications. 

It doesn’t end here. Vue.js is correspondingly used to develop both mobile and desktop app development using the Electron framework.

The benefits of using Vue.js are as follows:

  • Ease of Learning.
  • Simple and hassle-free.
  • Flexible and can be integrated with diverse technology.
  • Virtual DOM with High Performance.

Here is the list of the top companies using Vue.js in their application development:

  • Behance
  • Google
  • Apple
  • Trustpilot
  • Dribbble
2. React.js

React is a widely used, popular programming language these days. This is because most web developers prefer using React.js for their work. And why not?

Check out the benefits of using React.js for your mobile app development purposes:

  • The components are reusable.
  • Hassle-free and simple usage.
  • Handy tools. 
  • Testing codes are easier. 

Here is the list of the top companies using React.js in their application development:

  • Netflix
  • Facebook
  • Airbnb
  • Codeacademy
  • Dropbox

This is a cool tech stack to select if you wish to develop an application that is reactive and dynamic if you do not feel like switching to a full JavaScript framework such as Vue.js.

Bonus: Recently we have adopted Laravel Livewire as well. Laravel Livewire is a distinct library that helps build up-to-date, reactive, interfaces that use Laravel Blade as templating language. 

Mobile Development 

Native Applications

1. Kotlin
Kotlin logo.

Kotlin is an open-source, free, general-purpose, programming language. It was originally intended for JVM (Java Virtual Machine) as well as Android to integrate object-oriented plus useful programming features. 

The focus areas of Kotlin include – safety, interoperability, clarity, as well as tooling support.

The Benefits of using Kotlin include:

  • Fewer lines of code.
  • Solves developer problems and challenges.
  • Adopting the use of Kotlin is hassle-free and pretty easy.
  • Totally compatible with Java.

 Here is the list of the top mobile apps using Kotlin in their application development:

  • Trello
  • Pinterest
  • Tinder
  • Slack
  • Zomato 
2. Swift (iOS)
Swift (iOS) logo.

Swift is a multi-paradigm, general-purpose, compiled programming language that was built by Apple Inc. as well as the open-source community. 

It is a vigorous and spontaneous programming language used to build apps for Mac, iOS, Apple Watch, and Apple TV. I mean, it is pretty evident, right?

Swift is designed in a way to provides more freedom to the developers. It is really easy to adopt and use. As it is an open-source product, it provides the developers the freedom to create awesome stuff with just an idea to sparkle within. 

Check out the benefits of using Swift (iOS):

  • Easy and simple Code Readability.
  • As already mentioned, it is Open-source.
  • Simple and hassle-free code maintenance.
  • Quicker app development procedure.

 Here is the list of the top mobile apps/companies using Swift in their application development:

  • Accenture
  • Slack
  • Whatsapp
  • LinkedIn
  • Uber

Hybrid Applications

1. React Native
React Native logo.

React Native is actually a JavaScript framework that is used for developing both iOS and Android mobile applications with the same codebase. It is centered on ReactJS, built by Facebook. This is more of a component-based, declarative, framework used to develop web user interfaces (UIs). I am sure you are already aware of this fact. If not, then here you are!

Now let’s check out the benefits of using React native: 

  • User friendly.
  • Shared Codebase for Android & iOS.
  • The programming model is the same as ReactJS.
  • Very robust as well as Open Ecosystem.

 Here is the list of the top React native hybrid apps:

  • UberEats
  • Instagram
  • Skype
  • Bloomberg
  • Walmart
2. Flutter
Flutter logo.

Flutter is a User interface software development kit built by Google. Also, it is open-source which is used to build cross-platform applications for iOS, Android, Linux, Windows, Mac, Fuchsia, Google, from a single codebase. 

The very initial version of Flutter was named “Sky” which functioned on the Android operating system.

The various benefits of using Flutter include:

  • Identical Business & UI Logic across all Platforms.
  • Less Code Development Time.
  • Better Time-to-Market Speed.
  • Parallel to Native Application Performance.
  • Animated and custom UI of Any Complexity is Available.

 Here is the list of the top Flutter apps:

  • GoogleAds
  • Cryptograph
  • Watermaniac
  • Reflectly
  • Hamilton 

Prototyping and designing

  • Adobe Xd
Adobe XD logo.

Adobe XD is a personal favorite here! This vector-based UX design tool is developed by Adobe. As we know, Adobe is the abode of design software and tools. So why go anywhere else when it comes to designing the user experience for our clients?

Also, it is available for macOS as well. So there goes our perfect match!

Adobe Photoshop logo.

Here we go again! When the UX designs demand some extravagant look for the splash screens or any page rather, we prefer Adobe Photoshop to take care of it.

Adobe Illustrator logo.

Last but not the least, Adobe Illustrator is the best tool when it comes to vector designs, right? So we use it when we wish to integrate characters in our UX designs to have a flow and quirky feature attached. 

That’s all there is to our list of tech stack 2021! Tell us about your preferences in the comment section below, let’s hear it out!


Selecting the right tech stack for various apps and features can be pretty tricky. As a result, we thought of sharing our list so that you know what we use and can have an overview of the process of how we work. Makes sense, right?

If any of these diverse options suit your needs, then do reach out to us at TheCodeWork. We are a product development company, eager to help you in the product building process. See you soon!

Till then, keep coding!

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