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“What startup strategy should I use?” Every Entrepreneur Ever. Throughout history, countless entrepreneurs have tried to address this very query in various ways. They have sought to discover the most groundbreaking business model, approach, or tactic that could lead them to unparalleled success. Nonetheless, the question remains: Has anyone truly unlocked the ultimate strategy that

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India’s logistics industry has shown great progress, moving up six spots in the World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index (LPI). I am sure you were aware of that! This advancement can be attributed to several factors, including advancements in technology, data-oriented decision-making, and the implementation of enhanced policies. One of India’s long-term objectives is to reach

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Imagine having access to a virtual treasure trove of practical strategies, basic insights, and market-validated practices. Inside these pages, you’ll discover a heap of expertise that will help you plan strategies to dominate the market. Just like in the world of espionage, where a secret playbook holds the key to victory, this blog will reveal

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Were you aware that e-commerce sales are projected to reach a staggering $6.7 trillion in 2024? However, As we are observing rapid transformations taking place across diverse industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, logistics, and transportation. Now, warehouses are currently grappling with a shortage of workers, posing a challenge in meeting the increased demand. Fortunately, there is

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Imagine a world where the rules are merely suggestions, and creativity flows through the air like a scent of innovation. Sound’s fascinating, right? This is the world of Startup Disruptors. Now who are startup disruptors? Well, they are visionaries across industries who challenge the existing norms, traditional business models, and established industry leaders.  Ofcourse, they

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The logistics sector plays a pivotal role in a country’s economic growth, and India is no exception. With the National Logistics Policy (2023), India is not only striving to streamline operations but also emphasizing technology-driven solutions. It will enhance the economy by improving connectivity and facilitating seamless movement of goods in both domestic and international

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Raise your hand if you have never used ChatGPT. No one? Okay, who am I kidding? Obviously, the entire galaxy has tried the GPT wave. But do you know about the technology behind it? Even if you do, I am writing a snippet here – it is an AI-powered language model developed by OpenAI. Isn’t

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SCM World’s Chief Supply Chain Report says that 72% of supply chain leaders prioritize supply chain visibility. But why? As you know, supply chains are complex networks involving multiple stakeholders, geographically dispersed locations, diverse transportation modes, and extensive data. So, without proper visibility, business’s struggle to understand the faults of their supply chain and the

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Getting your startup in shape is very similar to getting your body in shape. For example, Let’s talk a bit about myself here – I have been on the weight loss journey a couple of times. And every time, I have been following the same set of rules and workouts. The outcome has never been as

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As we all know – Information Technology (IT) industry is all about using computers to automate and digitalize operations. Isn’t it! So if we are evolving every second as an industry, have you ever wondered what will the future of IT be? Say in just two years? With each passing year, new technologies emerge, some

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A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is an important step in the development of any new product or service. TheCodeWork can help businesses create a successful MVP by providing custom software development and IT consulting services. With their expertise, TheCodeWork can design and build a functional MVP that meets the needs of both the business and its customers, while also providing a solid foundation for future growth.

TheCodeWork Team

Top 10 Must-Have Features in a Retail PoS System

As you must know, a retail Point of Sale (POS) system serves as the central hub for businesses. Beyond handling transactions, it plays a crucial role in inventory management, customer insights, and overall business growth.  With so many options out there, it’s crucial to consider the specific features that match your unique retail operation.  Likewise,


TheCodeWork Team

ERP Accounting Software: What You Should Know

Managing every single financial accountability from audit reporting to optimizing funds becomes a complex task for businesses. Besides, every Industry from healthcare, to manufacturing requires profound expertise and advanced management systems to manage their assets effectively. As a result, this crisis demands for an ERP Accounting Software.  An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) softwares helps businesses

16th May 2024

IT Compliance Regulations for Industries

In the wake of digitization and global connectivity, data protection has become an integral agenda for businesses across all sectors. Consequently, maintaining the highest level of security for user and business data has become a paramount necessity. Failing to meet those expectations will result in reputational damage and hefty penalties to regulatory bodies. As a

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13th March 2024

Business Websites – Does Your Business Need A Website Anymore?

In the early days of the internet, having a website was a sign of a serious business. It was a digital storefront, open to the world, signaling that the company was riding the wave of the future. Those were the cornerstones of a company’s online presence, providing information like its mission, product offerings, and contact

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6th March 2024

Top 5 AI SaaS Ideas for 2024

Alright, so we all are aware of the impact that AI has been making, right? Now, imagine combining it with SaaS concepts. Though you may already know: Software as a Service (SaaS) is a cloud-based software delivery model where applications are hosted and accessed over the internet. Users subscribe to SaaS applications on a pay-as-you-go

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28th February 2024

Top Reasons Why IT Budget Will Surge in 2024

It’s no surprise that IT budgets will surge in 2024! Why? Well, because we are standing on the brink of a tech revolution at present. How lucky are we to experience this huge shift? The best part is that the marketing team at TheCodeWork recently held a survey to understand the surge in IT budget

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14th February 2024

Mobile App Development Mistakes to AVOID in 2024

We’re in the second month of 2024 already and mobile app development has already taken a new turn! Every day, new tools and ways of doing things are coming up. It’s exciting but also tricky because new tools are great for better app building, but they come with several challenges too. I am sure you

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1st February 2024

Emerging SaaS Business Trends of 2024

Since 2021, Software as a Service (SaaS) has been making significant strides & flourishing in various industries like IT, E-commerce & etc. Well, it’s showing no signs of stopping! Now, talking of 2024, trending features ranging from Artificial Intelligence to hyper-personalization, are completely redefining the future of SaaS. It is estimated that SaaS is growing,

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25th January 2024

B2B Mobile Apps To Build In 2024

Today, mobile apps have become integral to streamline and enhance Business-to-business (B2B)  processes. Thanks to the applications that developed a lot in these few years and helped businesses with their various needs. Furthermore, guess what? The increased demand for mobile applications for businesses will be reaching $8.7 trillion by 2026. And why so? Well, this

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10th January 2024

Mobile App Development Trends of 2024

Mobile App development has emerged as a frontier in the list of emerging tech trends of 2024! And why wouldn’t it be? After all, it offers a scope for businesses to directly engage with users, tailor their experience, and improve efficiency. With around 8 million apps hovering around iOS and Android platforms, the app development

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3rd January 2024

Healthcare Trends 2024–2030

Welcome to the forefront of healthcare innovation! As we step into the year 2024, the landscape of the healthcare industry is undergoing massive changes. It is poised to revolutionize patient outcomes, experiences, and the overall accessibility of healthcare. And much of that is being fueled and enabled by transformative technology. Now, rewinding a few years-

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