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Welcome to the series of Laravel blogs! I am sure you have read our last blog on Why to Use Laravel framework for large-scale Applications?. So let’s continue on to the next big topic related to the Laravel framework under this umbrella! Ready? Let’s do this!

As Leland Dieno said,

“Your website is the center of your digital ecosystem, like a brick-and-mortar location, the experience matters once a customer enters, just as much as the perception, they have of you before they walk through the door”.

This quote effectively summarizes what a good website can do for you. Don’t you agree? Small or big businesses are draining their resources to get a laravel developer for their websites to provide an immersive experience.

Therefore, by the end of the blog, you will agree with me on the fact that a Laravel developer is the most sought after for web development today!

Talking of which, if you are looking for a web development company in the USA, or in India, or in any part of the world, that can help you with Laravel projects, then look no further. Reach out to TheCodeWork for a free discovery call to build a scalable Laravel website.

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5 Compelling Reasons to Choose Laravel Framework

But why Laravel development services? This question must be hovering in your mind by now!

So let’s not waste your time and quickly walk you through the reasons here.

Reason of why to choose laravel framework.


  • Laravel latest version is the most scalable web development framework available today. In addition to this, the ease with which it integrates with third-party services makes it the developer’s no. 1 choice.
  • Security and authentication of any website are primary concerns today. Consequently, the use of hashed passwords and SQL injection attacks in the framework makes it ideal for website development.
  • Laravel framework has a great built-in library and modules which take off a huge amount of load from the developer’s shoulders. Now isn’t that great? Tell me!
  • The recyclable feature of the Laravel framework is an important asset. Now you must be thinking, how! Well, it recycles and reuses the existing components of other programming languages.
  • The composer tool of the Laravel framework makes it the favorite choice for web development in India. Also, this tool helps to code and view the results at the same time. Such a lifesaver, you see!

Looking to onboard a Laravel developer? Let’s talk!




The above graph shows the growing trend of how the usage of Laravel in website development has increased over the decade.

As per a survey conducted by, there are 1,488,504 websites built on the Laravel framework. Also, out of these around 779,682 are live. Can you imagine the popularity?

Web developers swear by the ease of web development that Laravel framework provides. And hey, do you want to know the best part? Along with all the framed goodies, it also has multiple built-in libraries and features which come in handy. How cool is that?

Reach out to the best web development company in the USA or in India, to get on a free consultation call.

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Top 10 websites built on the Laravel framework

Let us have a look at the list of the top 10 popular websites that are solely built on the Laravel framework. Here we go!

1.   ALISON  

Website of alison.

Alison is a pioneer e-learning platform that provides a wide range of diploma, certificate, and upskilling courses. It has a learner and trainer community of more than 20 million which sprawls over 195 nations over the globe. Impressive, I know!

This website is consequently driven by the vision of providing free education beyond borders. As you will glide through their website you will notice the seamlessness it offers. And all thanks to the Laravel framework used!

The motto of Alison is sharing and building. So keeping up with their motto, Laravel lets you share knowledge throughout various channels without a glitch on the website. The scalability feature of Laravel makes this portal easy to manage and supports the ever-growing community.

Love it, don’t you? Then wait no more! Get in touch with the best Laravel development company here!


Website of barchart.

As per Bloomberg, Barchart provides fixed financial data solutions for websites. It also happens to be a global leading stock, forex, cryptocurrency research platform mainly for markets of the USA, UK, Canada.

The Website has a giant collection of tools integrated under one platform. As a result, complex setups are not needed here as Laravel simplifies the whole process. And, guess what? It also has streaming interactive charts which are easy to use.

When time is money, saves your precious time by tracking your trades effortlessly. With a wide plethora of international markets, one can easily invest in their favorite market. 

So distance is not an issue now, you see!

3.   InvoiceNinja

Website of invoiceninja.


Now InvoiceNinja is an open-source invoicing solution for businesses and freelancers. In other words, it lets them generate invoices, process payments, track their expenses, and whatnot.

Using the SaaS model gives users the freedom of using the public cloud or their own infrastructure. The Laravel framework of the website gives the option of adding additional users to one profile and setting their permission levels. 

Such a creative platform. Isn’t it?

Also, guess what? These Invoices can be customized by using your company’s logo. The invoices generated can be shared through a custom URL link.

You can also attach 3rd party files with your invoices generated on this website to justify your expenses. With 170,000 users it is gaining popularity among businesses.

However, if you are having trouble hiring a Laravel developer? Why don’t you reach out to TheCodeWork, your in hand best Laravel development company?

4.    MyRank

Website of myrank.

Making a mark, MyRank is a vast growing Indian e-learning platform. Additionally, it provides input-based education where students get a chance to enhance their possibilities of cracking competitive exams.

You should visit this website to see the beautiful transitions provided using the Laravel framework. Besides, Myrank supports students by providing them with 24*7 support and in-depth analysis of their preparation.

E-learning portals have databases that are growing at a constant rate. On the other hand, Laravel makes these platforms scalable by managing their databases effectively.

As every student is different, so is the career guidance offered to them. Saving the time and energy of such students by giving timely notifications of competitive exams.

Quite applauding, isn’t it? 

Despite the enormous amount of students onboarded the smooth flow of the website is appreciable. What else would you expect from such websites?

5.   Contentoo

Website of contentoo.

Contentoo enables users to choose contractors for any particular product. This site provides secure communication between the contractors and their employers. Subsequently, the security feature of the Laravel framework comes into play.

Making rigorous use of the Laravel framework, Contentoo lets you create a highly-supportive tool for outsourcing the services to your favorite creator. 

How cool that is! 

In addition to the regular updates in the components, it lets you integrate 3rd party applications. You must visit this website to experience secure pipeline communications. Looking for Laravel Migration and development companies? Click on the button below!

6.   Usetably

Website of usetably. is the finest example of the use of automation using the Laravel framework. Laravel framework has become the popular choice for developing booking websites.

Integration of payment gateways offers restaurants seamless bookings and payments. It gives tailored solutions to restaurants by saving their customers’ choices and preferences.

This helps restaurants give a personalized experience to their customers every time they come on board. Happy customers are such an asset, you know!

The use of the Laravel framework allows easy management of bookings.

Also read: Why use Laravel for large-scale applications?

7.   Flarum

Website of flarum.

If you are creating a website for a forum then the Laravel framework is the best technology available. Flarum is a live example of it.

Flarum is where you can create complex software with great simplicity. They are efficient and lightweight for execution. Real-time notifications are highly appreciated by current users. Cool isn’t it?

Forums have a huge amount of interactions going on simultaneously. You will never want your interactions to be messed up, right? 

Laravel framework is the best website development technology for sites that incorporate interacting communities. It facilitates the flow of authentic data through secured channels.

Ahh! That’s reason enough to already start searching for a laravel developer and solution provider to help you in Laravel migration, right?

8.   Bagisto

Website of bagisto

Built on Laravel, Bagisto is an e-commerce platform where you buy and sell without third-party intervention. You can create an online marketplace for your store without having any technical expertise. Isn’t it a lifesaver hack?

Bagisto offers a unique feature of live demos. This may remind you of the Laravel feature of code and view at the same time.  The Laravel framework lets you manage the huge database of store inventory at your fingertips. 

It gives you admin access to certain parts of the website and lets you remain a simple user at the same time. The modularity offered by Bagisto is a great feature of the Laravel framework.

The payment gateways on this e-commerce platform allow multi-currency transactions by using 3rd party application integration features of Laravel. The most desirable feature you see!

The high-quality graphics of Bagisto elevate the aesthetic view of the site.

9.   AlphaCoders

Website of alphacoders is an open-source platform that allows content creators and writers to connect with their fan community. It helps creators monetize their skills. The blade template engine of Laravel comes in handy here.

This website provides a wide variety of avatars, wallpapers, and a lot of content. It is a growing platform with a new creator or user added every hour. The main credit for its popularity goes to its uniqueness. Cool isn’t it?

Laravel offers quick implementation on alpha coders that are highly scalable.

It has been a long read I guess. Now comes the reward.

10.  OctoberCms

Website of octobercms

Octobercms is an open-source content management system that uses Laravel services to be simple at its core. It is an award-winning CMS platform built on the Laravel framework.

The best feature of OctoberCms is the code reusability feature. I hope this helps you! 

One of the greatest web developer woes is code usability. Laravel framework enables this facility. Allowing coders to reuse their code and saving their valuable time.

Laravel lets Octobercms offer a fast template engine. Thanks to the modularity feature of Laravel latest version as it lets you create fast landing pages with reusable components.

Octobercms creates one page one file. This is a perfect example of Laravel’s scalability.

This sums up our list of wonderful sites built on the Laravel framework and the delegation of Laravel services.

How TheCodeWork can help you? 

Now, before we conclude, let’s discuss how TheCodeWork can help you in web development with the laravel framework: 

  • Assistance in Laravel web development projects: TheCodeWork offers expert Laravel development services to streamline your web development projects. Our team of experienced developers can assist you in various aspects of Laravel development, including but not limited to:
  • Custom web application development
  • Laravel RESTful API development
  • E-commerce website development with Laravel docs and framework
  • Laravel package development and integration
  • Migration of existing applications to Laravel
  • Optimizing and scaling Existing Laravel applications: We specialize in optimizing and scaling Laravel applications to improve performance, scalability, and reliability. Our team can analyze your existing Laravel framework, identify bottlenecks, and implement optimization strategies such as database optimization. 
  • Ensure security in Laravel projects: Security is a top priority at TheCodeWork. We follow industry best practices and Laravel security features to ensure your web applications are highly secure. This includes:
  • Implementing authentication and authorization mechanisms using Laravel’s built-in features or custom solutions.
  • Validating user input to prevent common security vulnerabilities like SQL injection, XSS attacks, and CSRF attacks.
  • Regular security audits and code reviews to identify and address potential security vulnerabilities.
  • Keeping Laravel and its dependencies up-to-date with the latest security patches and updates.
  • Providing ongoing support and maintenance: TheCodeWork offers comprehensive support and maintenance services for Laravel applications post-deployment. Our team provides timely bug fixes, performance optimization, security updates, feature enhancements, and technical support. 

Therefore, contact us today for best-in-class laravel support! 


Here’s a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the Laravel framework for web development:

Q1. Is Laravel suitable for building enterprise-level applications?

Yes, Laravel is well-suited for building enterprise-level applications. It provides features such as authentication, authorization, caching, and queuing. Additionally, it aids your database in laravel migrations. Apart from that, it is an essential tool for building scalable and secure applications required by businesses of all sizes.

Q2. What are the advantages of using Laravel framework for web development projects?

Advantages of using Laravel framework include:

  • Built-in authentication and authorization systems
  • A powerful ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)
  •  Robust security features
  • Modular packaging system

And most importantly, an active community that continuously contributes to its improvement. Moreover, TheCodeWork is also committed to make your laravel journey smoother and hassle-free.  

Q3. How does the Laravel framework handle scalability for growing businesses?

The Laravel latest version is designed with scalability in mind and provides features such as: Database queuing, Caching, and support for distributed systems. It allows applications to handle increased traffic and workload as businesses grow. Additionally, Laravel’s modular architecture and performance optimization techniques enable efficient scaling of applications.

Q4. Can Laravel integrate with existing business systems and APIs?

Yes, Laravel provides seamless integration capabilities with existing business systems and third-party APIs. It supports RESTful API development, allowing businesses to integrate their applications with external services, legacy systems, and other applications. 

Moreover, you can rely on us for your Laravel migration


Till now you must have understood why Laravel service is so much in demand. It lets you combine the aesthetic view of a website with the ease of coding. So your new website must be on Laravel now!

You can create a high-performance website with multiple functionalities without having to go through complex codes. Security and authentication are at the standards of the modern world. 

The quoted websites are the sorcery of the Laravel framework. The most effective PHP framework not only increases your sales but also gives your customer an immersive experience.

Do tell us other wonderful sites built on the Laravel framework in the comments below!

Reach us out at TheCodeWork, if you are looking for a PHP development company that can build scalable Laravel websites for you!

Till then, Happy coding !!!

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