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MVP in product development? Okay, wait. Picture this scenario: You have a super innovative product idea for your business. You can’t wait to develop it into a full-fledged product and keep thinking of new features to make it even better.  Now, you have a product that is all decked up with lots of features. You

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Would you like to see your hard-earned seed capital getting drained after a product that no one wants? Yeah. I thought so. But you know what? Unfortunately, it happens more often than you’d think. People become overly confident with their product ideas. They end up draining their resources into building products that may not be

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Just like in most industries, startups too, follow certain trend cycles. And if you are an aspiring entrepreneur, it is your business (pun intended) to keep up with these trends. But you don’t have to look too far to find out about the latest trends in the startup world. Because that’s what I’ll be talking

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Look. There’s no denying the fact that the world economy is in a slump right now. All economic forecasts indicate that we are about to enter a period of recession sooner rather than later. I mean, the early signs are all there, wouldn’t you agree?  Markets are experiencing record lows not seen in the last

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“Business has only two functions—marketing and innovation.” — Milan Kundera. As the renowned Czech novelist, Milan Kundera has wisely said, a successful business is all about innovation–and marketing. And he couldn’t be more right! So, if you have an innovative app in the making–or already in the app stores–it’s time to think about the next

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23rd November 2022

How To Improve Your Mobile App Ranking?

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You have spent months designing and building your app. You have done your research, tested your app on users, and fixed bugs endlessly. And now, finally, your app is ready for the market—or in this case, the app stores! Hoorah! But now what? Well, not to be a Debbie Downer, but now comes the hardest

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I know, I know, the internet is overflowing with ideas on strategies to grow your business. But hear me out! I have got some secret hacks that we follow as well. Intrigued? Bingo! See whatever the size of your company today, it’s best to map out and prepare for the future. And I’m sure you’d

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Never give up on a startup idea that you truly believe in.  As an entrepreneur, I’m sure you’ve heard some version of this quote more times than you care. You’ve probably even repeated it to some other aspiring entrepreneurs. Something along the lines of: “If you fail the first time, try, try again. Some of

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Psst, listen? Are you up most nights, questioning yourself about your startup business ideas? Wondering: if the market will accept it? Will the customers like it? What will your customers love the most about your product? What if they hate it?  Soooo many questions! We know–we’ve been there too. But guess what! You can now

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Building a startup from the ground up is a brave task and if you are doing that, BRAVO! Entrepreneurship may be exhilarating but at the end of the day, it is extremely satisfying. You get to dictate your own terms, work on something you’re passionate about, and make money while you’re at it! A win-win

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