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Traditional classroom models, dominating educational landscapes for generations, are undergoing a massive transformation in the context of Education 4.0. Accordingly, this upcoming educational framework prioritizes personalization, adaptability, and the strategic utilization of technology to enhance learning experiences. Likewise, AI in education is emerging as a transformative force within this evolving educational ecosystem.  Besides, the global market

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Using AI analytics for business has made data discovery more automated than ever before. Consequently, this has made AI capable of doing the work of data analysts without any human-like limitations. Accordingly, AI analytics has advanced rapidly in recent times, fuelled by advancements in  machine learning and natural language processing (NLP). Besides, by leveraging AI

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It goes without saying that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is significantly transforming industries, by enhancing business operations and introducing fruitful opportunities. Now, in the midst of this progress, the real estate industry is gaining a leading momentum in the AI race. Likewise, AI in real estate is reshaping the methodology of property transactions and revolutionizing how

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As we know, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become quite prevalent across many sectors and quality management is not an exception. Likewise, AI in Quality Assurance (QA) practices offers businesses agile approaches to identify flaws and enhance their product/service quality.  Now what is AI in Quality Assurance? Well, AI applications in QA comprises algorithms that enhance

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Presently, the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in securing a competitive edge in the business world is undeniable. This is particularly noticeable in North America, which dominated the global AI market in the past year. Afterall, their AI innovations contributed to about 43% of their total revenue and this contribution is projected to triple by

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5th June 2024

Top 10 Must-Have Features in a Retail PoS System

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As you must know, a retail Point of Sale (POS) system serves as the central hub for businesses. Beyond handling transactions, it plays a crucial role in inventory management, customer insights, and overall business growth.  With so many options out there, it’s crucial to consider the specific features that match your unique retail operation.  Likewise,

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The rise of cloud computing has brought about a substantial shift from traditional on-site ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems to cloud-based platforms. As a result, cloud ERP is  providing businesses with more flexible and scalable methods to oversee their operations. Besides, our research indicates that the market size of cloud softwares will double-up as compared

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Managing every single financial accountability from audit reporting to optimizing funds becomes a complex task for businesses. Besides, every Industry from healthcare, to manufacturing requires profound expertise and advanced management systems to manage their assets effectively. As a result, this crisis demands for an ERP Accounting Software.  An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) softwares helps businesses

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In the wake of digitization and global connectivity, data protection has become an integral agenda for businesses across all sectors. Consequently, maintaining the highest level of security for user and business data has become a paramount necessity. Failing to meet those expectations will result in reputational damage and hefty penalties to regulatory bodies. As a

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Globally, businesses have lost around $8 Trillion in 2023 alone due to the rising cybercrimes. So, it is no surprise that businesses are in dire need of advanced AI cybersecurity solutions. Due to ongoing attacks like polymorphic malware or scripting, cybercriminals are easily bypassing traditional cyber-security measures. Likewise, traditional cybersecurity systems were designed to defend

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Marketing is essential for any business to reach its target audience and drive sales. TheCodeWork can help businesses create effective marketing campaigns by providing web design, SEO, and digital marketing services. With their expertise in technology and marketing, TheCodeWork can design and implement strategies that help businesses reach their goals and stand out from the competition.

TheCodeWork Team

Stages in the Life-cycle of Agile Development Process

Organizations big and small are following the Agile Methodology today to deliver high-quality performance. So what exactly is it? Let’s explore it together!   Well, the Agile method is an iterative process of project development and management. It lets development teams offer the best results to their clients more quickly and with fewer difficulties along the


TheCodeWork Team

Questions a Startup should ask before they start Building an App?

With the world getting more accustomed to digital space, mobile usage has spiked the charts. You agree with me, don’t you? In the same context, this dependency on technology has given rise to budding entrepreneurs who are coming up with fresh innovative ideas. As a result, the entire process of building an app has become

9th March 2022

Top 10 Reasons why Laravel framework is ideal for web development

“Laravel Laravel everywhere, what is the buzz about?” Welcome to a new chapter in the ongoing series of the famous Laravel framework.  Websites or web apps built on this framework provide an immersive experience to the visitor. Furthermore, web development with this framework is not at all “rocket science”. You see! Websites ranging from eCommerce

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23rd February 2022

How to Hire the Best Laravel Developers For Web Development?

Hello, netizens! Hope our Laravel blog series has been great to read till now. So, now is the time to hire the best Laravel developers on this platform out there.  Moving further you need to understand the potential of this framework for your website or app development. Why only Laravel? Why not something else! We

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12th January 2022

Top 14 Tools to Build an MVP From Scratch

Do you know what hurts the most? When you launch a product based on your innovative idea and it doesn’t meet the market’s expectations. So how will you ensure that your product is capable of meeting the market demands? Easy! Build an MVP. MVP is an initial version of a product built on core ideas

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5th January 2022

How Do You Scope A Minimum Viable Product in 2022?

Ahhh! Here we go again with the topic of Minimum Viable Product! Today we will discuss how to Scope a Minimum Viable Product in 2022. Well, it’s the most crucial part of startups, so just keep reading, will you? Now, as I was saying, it is pretty common in the field of development that most

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29th December 2021

Why is it important to build MVP in 2022?

If you are reading this right now, then let me make a happy guess and assume that you are a budding entrepreneur. Also if you are here to check on why to build MVP in 2022, then I will assume that you are probably in the ideation phase, okay? Now truth be told, there are

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25th November 2021

Top 10 Examples of Minimum Viable Products

You know what? This list of Top 10 Examples of Minimum Viable Products might spike the process of converting your business idea into reality. So DO check this out to make your idea happen! Let’s start by addressing the major pain point of the startup industry. It is the launch of the final product without

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17th November 2021

Why Choose PHP for Web Development in 2021-2022?

<?php echo "Hello guys" ?> Do you remember how the world used to be before Covid hit us? Yes, you do perhaps. Then I genuinely hope that you remember how businesses used to operate then. A major chunk of them believed in reaching out to the customers and clients directly, in person. Websites and apps

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20th October 2021

AR(Instant Placement) – A TCW project Case Study

Welcome to the final segment of our chain of case studies on Augmented Reality (AR). You have been following the series, right? Well, worry not, if you didn’t. Here is a list of the other two-segmented included in the Augmented Reality Case study. Have  a look: Okay, so let’s talk about this final part of

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6th October 2021

Augmented Image- A TCW project Case Study

Hello again! I do hope that you are following our streak of blogs on Augmented reality and augmented image. What? Are you new here? Okay, have a look into these for better understanding and also to keep up with the flow of the blogs. You can also check out our video on the same, on

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